Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597
Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597

Case stories

J&L  Consulting received the assignment to establish a turm-key factory for atomotive starters in Lviv region. A special economic zone was chosen to erect a 4000 sqm building from scratch. 
Currently Halychyna Zahid is the second biggest pig farm inUkraine, with more than 108.000 pigs per year and cultivates more than8.000 hectaresof arable land.