Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597
Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597


What to do in case of searches in the company? Legal and technical aspects.

Senior lawyer J & L Consulting Stolyarchuk Artem conducted a workshop on the topic "Searches in companies. Legal and technical aspects".

"In Ukraine the situation when a business is successful, its income immediately gets the attention of state bodies may happen. As a result, you can often meet law enforcement agencies on the doorstep of your company " – mentioned Artem Stolyarchuk.

Since most of the companies are not prepared for a visits of an investigative officer or other representatives of competent authorities, the same as their employees often get lost in the stressful situations, the workshop is directed to prepare employees to the unforeseen situations when an authorized persons come to the office to conduct the search/seizure.

At the workshop the following issues were discussed in details:

1. Preconditions and grounds for a search.

2. Who can conduct a search.

3. What to do during a search:

• Actions of a guard/office manager;

• Actions of employees;

• Action of private entrepreneurs that are working in the office;

• Action of the Director.

4. What are the rights and responsibilities during the search.

5. How to prepare for a search. Organizational and technical aspects.

During the workshop, participants raised many practical, clarifying questions that proved again the relevance of the topic and the need of its awareness.

If you are interested in conducting this workshop for your employees in the company or for yourself, please feel free to contact us by the contacts listed below: 

phone number: +380 322 970597; 

email: j-l@j-l.com.ua 

J&L Consulting