Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597
Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597


What is new in the sphere of conducting the planned(unplanned) inspections concerning entity’s compliance with the requirements of civil defense, technological and fire safety

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine approved the Procedure of conducting the planned (unplanned) inspections on entity’s compliance with the legislative requirements in the field of civil protection, technological and fire safety (The Order №1337 from 02.11.2015)

These inspections will be carry out by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and its territorial bodies.

Here are the main statements of the Order to which the attention should be paid:

1)      It clearly states that inspections are carried out in the presence of the Director or an authorized person of the legal entity;

2)      State Emergency Service of Ukraine quarterly approves plans under which the planned inspections are carried out and publish them on the official website till the 25th of the last month of the quarter, that precedes the planned one;

3)      State Emergency Service of Ukraine has the right to carry out the planned inspection on the condition of written notice to the entity no later than 10 days before the inspection.

4)      Inspection interval depends on the degree of risk from carrying out economic activity

5)      Let us remind that when conducting inspections the legal entities are obliged:

• freely allow officials of State Emergency Service of Ukraine to conduct review (inspection) of buildings, premises, facilities, equipment, territory;

• provide them with documents, product samples, explanation, help, information, materials on issues arising during the inspection.

J&L Consulting